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The sprouting of seeds is called germination. A germinating seed has a baby plant, called an embryo, on its surface. This tiny living thing gets its nutrients from the cotyledon, which is the fleshy p ...

What do plants need to grow? In this experiment, you’ll explore one of the most important factors affecting seed germination by finding out whether the amount of water a seed receives changes how quic ...

Ready, set, grow! How long does it take for a bean to get growing?How does a beanstalk grow in the first place? In this experiment, you’ll investigate the growth of pinto beans and see if you can crea ...

This project examines the influence of the phase of the moon on moisture capillarity in garden soil. The goal is to have the student test a hypothesis about seed germination and the phases of the moon ...

Find out whether putting a transparent object on top of a plant will inhibit its growth.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected ...

All living things need water to survive, but not all water is the same. This experiment aims to discover if different types of water effect the germination of seeds and growth of plants.It is an educa ...

Determine what kind of light will produce the greatest plant growth, regular light or fluorescent light?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you wil ...